Higher efficiencies
Faster analysis
Reduced back pressures

Small Molecule Analysis
From an ultra-fast separation of a few compounds to a more complex natural product sample containing hundreds of analytes, HALO® HPLC columns offer an optimized solution for separation challenges.

Biopharmaceuticals are inherently more complex than small molecules. HALO® BioClass columns have been specifically designed to accomplish these bio-separation goals with a simplified and more effective solution.

Solutions for other persistent, high environmental-impact contamination agents such as pesticides, mycotoxins, herbicides, and more all based upon HALO® innovative and trusted technology.

Explore the HALO® Columns
Product Catalog
Discover the right HALO® columns for your needs.
For over 15 years, our core focus has been improving HPLC separations through innovative particle column technology. Considering the needs of the application, morphologies and phases were designed to conquer separation challenges in various market spaces for both small and large molecule analysis.
Innovation you can trust – performance you can rely on

Download our HPLC Applications Collection
Using our novel Fused-Core® particle design, we have challenged conventional wisdom and engineered innovative solutions for the separations community. Check out our NEW searchable Applications Collection for u(HPLC) methods using the Fused-Core® Technology in your laboratory!
Advanced Materials Technology is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company