HALO® PFAS Delay is an application assured column solution. The delay column is used to prevent background PFAS contamination from interfering with the PFAS of interest that are separated with the analytical column. The delay column bonded phase is a highly retentive endcapped silane chosen for its ability to demonstrate delay of background instrument PFAS contamination across multiple mobile phase conditions. For this reason, the HALO® PFAS Delay column is placed upstream of the sample injector.
- EPA 533, EPA 537.1, EPA 1633, EPA 8327, and emerging PFAS
- Application-assured through method qualified lot analysis
- Available Particle Size: 2.7 µm
Particle Size: 2.7 µm
Low pH/T Limit: 2/60 ⁰C
High pH/T Limit: 9/40 ⁰C
Endcapped: Yes
HALO® Method Validation Kits Available
Choose three columns of the same part number for method validation and receive 15% off your set. Each column will be from a different lot.
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