AUTHOR: Conner McHale, Technical Support Specialist, Advanced Materials Technology INTRODUCTION to PFAS ANALYTICAL METHODS Per-…

New PCS For Basic Compounds White Paper
The goal for chromatographic separations is to achieve well resolved peaks with adequate retention and demonstrate gaussian peak shapes, so the compounds being separated can be assessed accurately both qualitatively and quantitatively. Peak shape is one of the most common observations chromatographers see in a chromatogram. Whether the peaks in a chromatogram are fronting (asymmetry <1), symmetric, or tailing (asymmetry >1) can tell you a lot about the different types of interactions occurring during an HPLC separation. A positively charged surface phase enables symmetrical peak shapes for challenging basic analytes run under low ionic strength mobile phase conditions.
Key Learning Objectives:
- Know when to use positively charged surface phase superficially porous particle columns
- Understand the advantages of positively charged surface phase superficially porous particle columns
- Improve the peak shapes of basic analytes with positively charged surface phase superficially porous particle columns
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