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New Dimension in Chromatography - Halo® 1.5

New PCS For Basic Compounds White Paper

New PCS For Basic Compounds White Paper

April 25, 2024
Elizabeth Langois

The goal for chromatographic separations is to achieve well resolved peaks with adequate retention and demonstrate gaussian peak shapes, so the compounds being separated can be assessed accurately both qualitatively and quantitatively. Peak shape is one of the most common…

LC Chromatography Troubleshooting

LC Chromatography Troubleshooting

November 3, 2023
Emma Marzullo

Introduction High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a benchmark technique used in laboratories across the world. However, even experienced analysts that are familiar with HPLC concepts and principles can fall victim to chromatographic pitfalls that arise. Some common issues include misshapen…

What to Expect from HALO ® PCS C18

What to Expect from HALO ® PCS C18

October 16, 2023
Emma Marzullo

THE POSITIVES OF PCS The new HALO®PCS C18 phase offers an alternative to chromatographic separations under acidic conditions. Many chromatographers are familiar with the difficulties of separating basic compounds. These compounds are troublesome and usually elute from the column with…

New Amino Acid White Paper

New Amino Acid White Paper

October 2, 2023
Rob Jeffers

Amino acid analysis (AAA) is an important technique for determining the quantity of amino acids in a sample. In the biopharmaceutical industry, amino acid analysis has become an important tool in quantifying amino acid content in both feed and spent…

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